This part of the site will feature a number of presentations that are specifically designed to help students better understand visual narrative. We're interested in compiling a wealth of resources for educators, so if there's something you've done that you'd like to share, we'll figure out a way to put it on display!
Visual Note-Taking -- Using the Plot Map
In the Exemplars tab you can see some awesome examples of students engaging in a kind of free-form visual note-taking inspired by the likes of RSAnimate. Here, Forrest Helvie has a great plot map note-taking strategy that can be used with a wide range of learners. It gives more structure to note-taking but is so clearly laid out that its benefits are immediately apparent. Forrest has tailored this approach to teaching both secondary and college level students, and it can be used across a wide range of subjects. Whether articulating a scientific process, the plot of a novel, or an important moment in history, a plot map, especially one that is able to include the visual, can be an invaluable tool in the hands of a 21st-century learner. Stay tuned for more presentations designed specifically for today's students. |