Literary Terms We Never Teach Our Students
Literary terms are important, but having to memorize lists of terms and apply them can sometimes make students feel like fiction, poetry, and drama are inaccessible to them. This is why we have to make a concentrated effort to give students the vocabulary of their discipline –to expose them to the weird, wacky, and strangely named terms that refer to the simplest things writers do – in a way that makes sense to them. It’s not about getting students to go on a treasure hunt for literary features, but to be able to speak the language of literary analysis in the same way that they must learn the languages of their other subjects. This e-book does just that, by showcasing ten literary terms that we never (or at least, seldom) teach our students. Because these terms are conceptually simple and occur often, not teaching them deprives students of many things they might say about the literature they study. In essence, this booklet provides a way for you to give students the language of their discourse.